Your Patient Participation Group (PPG)
How are patients involved?
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff. The NHS requires every practice to have a PPG.
Our Patient Participation Group works with the Practice to help staff to improve the quality of healthcare and response to the needs of patients at Lyme Regis Medical Centre and our Charmouth branch.
Scroll down for more information about our PPG.
What is the purpose of the Patient Participation?
Patient Participation has a single purpose:
To foster good communication between the Practice and its patients in a way that benefits both: building a relationship that consolidates partnership, avoids barriers and shares information so that patients can make best use of and support the Practice.
We do this by:
- Encouraging good communication between the Practice and its patients for the benefit of both.
- Helping the Practice to share knowledge and information about its own and associated community services.
- Providing feedback about how the Practice can improve its services.
- Supporting health promotion and encouraging self-care.
- Representing registered patients both to the Practice and to local health and care organisations.
Our Terms of Reference set out how we do this. To download and view the PPG's Terms of Reference, follow this link>>

How the Lyme Bay Medical Practice PPG works
All registered patients are considered members of the PPG who can –
‘Virtual’ Group
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Steering Group
Watch this video which explains how the Lyme Bay Patient Participation Group works:
Find out more by emailing the PPG at, or check the PPG noticeboards at each surgery site.
About the PPG Steering Group
A representative Steering Group liaises with the Practice to ensure jointly that the purpose of patient participation is being met.
In particular, it:
- promotes ways in which patients can make best use of and support the Practice;
- assists the Practice in collecting patient opinions and experiences that help the Practice to evaluate its services;
- helps to provide information about the Practice for the local community and to bring patients’ needs and interests to the attention of the Practice.
The Steering Group communicates with all patients primarily through a section of the Practice website and newsletter.
Steering Group members have no access to patient lists or data held by the Practice.
The PPG Chair and Secretary
Steering group members are volunteers as are the Chair and Secretary
- Caroline Aldridge
- Jane Gregory.
- Joanna Scotton
The Steering Group meets bi-monthly on a Tuesday afternoon at the Lyme Regis Medical Centre. A summary of the major Steering Group achievements during 2023 may be downloaded and viewed by following this link>>
How do I join the Virtual Group?
Patients are added to the Virtual Group on request.
Request to join the Group by
- emailing the Practice at
- or speak with a member of the Reception team
Your details will be passed to the Secretary who will add you to the Group.
Future Patient Participation Group Meetings
PPG meetings are held on Tuesday afternoons from 2.30pm at Lyme Regis Medical Centre. Our last PPG meeting was held on the 28th January 2025 and our next meeting is cheduled for the 11th of March 2025
Please scroll down for minutes of our previous meetings.

How to contact the Steering Group
The effectiveness of the PPG relies on hearing from its patient-members about any generally-applicable questions, problems or ideas that you may have. Patient experiences of Practice services, good or not so good, may well contribute to general feedback, so the PPG is always interested to hear of them. Please bear in mind that individual patient issues should be raised in the first instance to the Practice management team. If they cannot be resolved there, reference to the PPG is appropriate.
You can get in touch with us by any of these methods:
using our Contact Form
dropping a note into the red ‘Messages for the PPG’ box at either Practice site;
- talking to any member of the Steering Group whom you happen to know personally.
Please let us know your thoughts. All messages will be treated in confidence. If used in feedback to the Practice, they will be anonymised.
Our Contact Form
Complete our contact form and email* it to
Download our PPG Contact Form as a Microsoft Word document here>>
Or, if you prefer, you can download the PPG Contact form as a pdf document. Print it out, complete it and return it to us via the Practice by posting to:
Lyme Bay Medical Practice, c/o Lyme Regis Medical Centre, Uplyme Road, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3LS
Download and print out our PPG Contact Form as a PDF here>>
We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form.
*By providing your email address you confirm you consent for us to contact you occasionally by email.
Ways in which you could help the PPG and the Practice
You could support the work of the practice through the PPG:
- volunteer occasionally to help with jobs like stewarding at events (flu vaccinations or large health screening days, for example). Volunteer help for the Practice is coordinated by Caroline Powley. You can contact her by emailing
- let the Steering Group know of particular questions or concerns you have about medical services locally if you haven’t been able to resolve these directly with the Practice or other service provider.
- contribute your interest and/or expertise to a short-term PPG working group, such as reviewing and advising on Practice communications or on its website.
- offer to become part of the PPG’s ‘Virtual Group’ or Steering Group if this would suit your interests and commitments.
For more information and to give your support please email the PPG at